The 19th century in the history of Russia is designated as an active cultural breakthrough that took place in almost all spheres of human activity. The prerequisites for such cultural growth are: Peter’s reforms, the concept of Catherine II’s enlightened absolutism, and the establishment of relations with European countries. The rise of economic growth in the country led to the fact that Russian culture in the 19th century made a huge breakthrough. Many scientific discoveries have been made, unique works of art have been created, as well as the greatest literary works. Thanks to the ubiquitous educational institutions, education becomes available to different segments of society, which leads to increased literacy and the formation of a national treasure.
To answer the question of what the Russian culture of the 19th century brought to mankind briefly, and most importantly in essence, it is enough to recall the outstanding doctor N. I. Pirogov, such famous scientists as N. I. Lobachevsky and D. I. Mendeleev. The list goes on indefinitely. It is during this period that fiction becomes classical, and scientists make outstanding discoveries in science and technology, which are still in demand today. If in socio-political and economic development Russia lagged behind the leading European countries, then in terms of cultural achievements the country was on a par, and in some moments even ahead of them.
The Russian culture of the mid-19th century in the field of book publishing, printing and library activities, also made a big breakthrough. If at the beginning of the century there were about 100 printing houses, in which 7 daily newspapers were published, then by 1891 there were already 1300 printing production enterprises and more than 100 newspapers and magazines were published. Russian culture of the half of the 19th century – a developed book publishing and magazine and newspaper infrastructure, which is confirmed by the country’s entry into the top three world leaders in terms of the number of published literature. A well-developed network of public libraries appeared, and an art gallery was opened under the direction of P. I. Tretyakov.
Russian culture and the 19th century – a fundamental period that provided a huge foundation for the future prosperity of the country. The events that took place in the 19th century make it possible to call this era the «golden age» of Russian culture.